Friday, March 9, 2007

The, Them, Me.........Themes

On the way in this a.m. heard the lastest from an old musical love of mine. Eric was a song about never giving up. I love that theme. This prompted me to take a trip down memory lane and the realization that its the themes in our lives that connects us to particular themes in music and we find ourselves returning to them just as naturally as the seasons return.

( Couldn't find a clip of Eric's new one, but will still be searching.)

and since my life is filled, as your's probably is, with a quote from Seger's "deadlines and commitments, what to leave in what to leave out". I won't take up any more time, but will leave you with some videos from theme's in my life.....what are yours? Leave me a comment
including yours.

I'm hoping to receive scads of them.........heyitcouldhappen.